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Este proyecto multilingual no podría realizarse sin la colaboracióń activa de investigadores de todo el mundo.
Alemán: Dirk Wulff, Rui Mata,Harald Baayen y Kaidi Loo (University of Tuebingen);
Español rioplatense: Álvaro Cabana, Camila Zugarramurdi, Juan Valle Lisboa (Universidad de la República, Uruguay);
Cantonés: Eric Chen, Venessa Poon y Christy Hui (University of Hong Kong); Italiano: Vittorio Iacullo (University of Rome);
Ruso: Yury Shevchenko (University of Mannheim); Inglés: Marc Brysbaert, Emmanuel Keuleers, Pawel Mandera (University of Ghent);
Español ibérico: Blair Armstrong and Manuel Carreiras (Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language);
Vietnamita: Kaidi Loo, University of Alberta
Special thanks to all the volunteers who participated over the years, Doug Nelson and Cathy McEvoy for continuous support, Chie Nakatani, Steve Majerus, Stephanie Clayton, Haoran Huang, Steve Langsford, for translation, and Marc Brysbaert for co-funding the word association workshop in 2012. In addition, our gratitude for various support goes to the members of the Concept and Categorization lab, collaborators outside the lab who have also been involved in this project including Dan Navarro, Amy Perfors, Lili Sahakyan, Jeff Steward, Brita Elvevaag, Rose Bruffaerts, Marc Steyvers, Thomas Hills, Haim Dubossarsky, Dirk Geeraerts, Dirk Speelman, Emmanuel Keuleers, Michael Boiger and Marijn Van Vliet.
This project was funded by the Flemish Research Council and through the University of Leuven Research Council, Belgium. It has been approved by the KULeuven Ethical committee (ref. G-2014 07 017), contact [email protected] for complaints or questions. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.